EMF Surveys - Designed For Healthy Living
Experts In Home EMF Inspections, Pre Purchase surveys, New Builds, EMF Remediation and Cell Tower Shielding
12 Years Investigating EMF in New Zealand Homes

It goes by many different names, but the EMFs we have in our environments, in our homes, work places, schools, trains, buses, cars, airplanes and many other areas we visit all adds up to a constant level of exposure to manmade electromagnetic fields with unnatural and non native characteristics.
The result is that our everyday lives are spent in and around manmade EMFs which has increased significantly over the last few decades. This situation started in the late 1800’s with the electric and telephone grid and has grown immeasurably since. The last 30 years has seen electro pollution increase many fold as technology has quickly evolved and has become part of many areas of our lives. Since the introduction of computers, mobile phones, WiFi and electronic technology our exposures in our homes, work places and travelling means we spend so much time in EMFs we are literally losing our electromagnetic connection to the earths natural frequencies. In truth, we have learned to break natures laws. The technology revolution we are going through is increasing and with it our exposures increase too.
To help with this understanding, EarthWaves conduct EMF surveys in your environment and provide practical advice on what steps to take to reduce, eliminate or shield you and your family from this electro pollution. If required, after a survey, we document our findings in an easy to read report for you to follow.
​You may be concerned about a cell phone tower nearby, power lines or substations, or what about smart meters, cordless phones, neighbours WiFi, LED street lighting or 5G? You deserve to have a healthy home so knowing what contributes to our toxic electro smog society is important for ourselves and our families.
​EarthWaves are based on the Kapiti Coast. We service the entire country and can travel to your location. When this isn't possible we can work through a phone consultation and remote survey.
For the last 10 years we have been surveying and remediating homes across the country at the same time amassing a background in understanding the ever changing EMF environment that we expose ourselves too.
Dirty Electricity
Dirty electricity is a collective term for all the unwanted energies that circulate on our home electricity networks. Almost all appliances and devices will add other frequencies that travel along all electrified circuits. Your home adds to the dirty electricity loading, as does your neighbours homes. Solar power is a big contributor to dirty electricity also, changing your exposure footprint through the day and night. This electro pollution is measurable both on the electric circuits and in the 'air' around the circuits within the extended electric field.
In some cases, AM radio will also jump onto your home circuits. This is a great example of unwanted frequencies in the kilohertz range (KHz) that are present in our homes.
This short video shows such an example. This was recorded in a bedroom next to a bed. Further down the home in the lounge and kitchen, this AM radio signal was not present. This means that these KHz frequencies are present in the areas where we sleep. Ever wondered why you wake up like you have been fried?
In this instance, one dirty electricity filter reduced the DE to low levels.

EarthWaves was founded on the Kapiti Coast in the lower North Island and was set up to help spread awareness to help people understand what electromagnetic radiation is, where your exposures are and how to correct your EMF issues. By providing a combination of detection and remediation services, EarthWaves can help you to identify your EMF exposures and provide practical advice on elimination and reduction. Through helping others in the pursuit of creating healthy environments we are able to reduce levels of exposure creating safe havens for everybody.
The EMF environment is changing
As the infrastructure around us increases, so does the electromagnetic footprint. From all the new housing, commercial buildings, schools, shopping malls and the many ways we install and deliver the power and communications. These changes are taking place at an unbelievable pace. With the footprint increasing, so does our exposure. Recognise that as new housing developments appear, new street lighting, new cell phone towers and other infrastructure, all contribute to changing the EMF inside and outside your home.
Did you know?
Many homes have a higher level of AC magnetic fields from outside powerlines. You would be surprised at how far these fields extend into your home and which areas they affect. These graphs show the difference between a bed in a typical home and one with exposure to a residential power line. These measurements are taken over the bed areas, which is the main area in the home where we want very low EMF exposure. Magnetic field readings are taken in nano Tesla (nT). Is your home close to outside power lines?

Electric fields and your home
Behind the walls in every home are hundreds of meters of electric cabling. Every room is exposed to multiple electric fields from the abundance of circuits and fittings. These fields then extend out further into each space from our plug in appliances and devices. These Alternating Current (AC) 50Hz electric fields expand and contract 50 times a second and as seen in the Dirty Electricity section above, contain other frequencies like AM radio. Newer modern homes have more internal wiring and circuits than older homes, this means the exposure footprint is higher.

The electric fields in nature which we connect to and draw energy from do not come in the form of a pulsing electrified wire. Sleeping in AC electric fields raises both your AC body voltage and body current. Add this to your exposures from WiFi, Bluetooth, magnetic fields and dirty electricity and you can see how this quickly builds up into a very alien energetic landscape.
Reflect on this and ask yourself the questions “Does the EMF footprint of my home isolate me from natures EMF, and what are the consequences of this?”

Why we need to ground ourselves
A simple demonstration using a digital multimeter with the negative terminal placed in the soil and the positive terminal held in the hand. Here I am standing on a thick plastic base and the meter reads zero volts while I am isolated from the ground. When I step on to the grass with both bare feet we see a voltage increase. Then stepping back onto the plastic base the meter drops to zero again. After that I place one foot only on the grass and the voltage is shown again.
This is a very easy example of the why we should be grounding ourselves in bare feet on the earth. The negative voltage is because the Earth is negatively charged and so are we. Our shoes and footwear isolate us from the natural energy source we are born to connect to. Try it for yourself.