Light Pollution
It isn't something we often hear about or consider but we live, work, travel and sleep in artificial light. In a nutshell, our biology is intrinsically connected to the natural light cycles of the earth and has evolved that way for very good reasons. The solar light spectrum is balanced as the day progresses and we are optimally tuned to the daily rhythms and the varying wavelengths as the solar experience takes place throughout the day. Before reading further, know that your light environment and your connection to the natural light environment is an incredibly important aspect of health.
In our indoor environments whether we are at work, in the kitchen or on a train, the artificial light neither mimics nor matches sun light wavelengths or colour temperature. While we cannot alter the light environment in a train or the workplace, you can manage your own environment at home with respect to minimising exposure to altered frequencies, light flicker, high EMF frequencies and colour temperature distortions.
We also need to recognise that devices and other screens have an artificial light spectrum that is alien to our own calibrated biology. Computer screens, phones, tv screens and tablets all produce non native frequencies and altered colour temperature which is unlike the changing solar light we receive throughout the day.
The morning sunlight as the sun rises provides us with a balanced spectrum of light. Natural sunlight is 42% red light. This spectrometer image on the left was taken shortly after sunrise, the one on the right just on sunset. Both represent the balance of visible light from the sun.
Our artificial light environment paints a very different picture. Here are some spectrometer images of different light bulbs and devices.
This is a macbook screen. It has a very high peak of blue light, peak of green and little red light.
This is a typical CFL or compact fluorescent bulb. It has vastly altered peaks of light.
This is an LED bulb. It has a very high colour temperature of blue light and little red. Not all LED bulbs are like this. Some can have more distorted colours, some may not. This information is not available to the consumer.
Here we have an incandescent and halogen light bulb. They very little blue and lots of red light. Red light we know of as heat. And as we know, incandescent bulbs get hot. Incandescent on the left, halogen on the right. The opacity of the glass with all bulbs can alter the range of colours.
In providing a light pollution service to our clients, EarthWaves can assess your light environment and talk to you about electrobiology and our connection to light and how to provide the right light conditions in your home for optimal health.
This is also why EarthWaves has partnered with Rama Blue Light Glasses to provide eye protection from blue light frequencies. Click the logo to find out more.